Brooklyn’s German now

Just another weblog

Words I Know January 9, 2009

These are all German words/phrases that I have learned either through travel/just being around Germans or through the “Phrase a Day Calendar” I have (Thank you Grandpa Glenn and Grandma Pat!)  Note to anyone reading this page: These spellings are totally phonetic and not the way words are spelling in German…sounds are all I can manage right now…spelling might come later! 🙂 

Guten morgen= Good morning                  Guten tag= Good afternoon

Yeah= yes                                                            Nine= No

Schuess (juice)= Good bye                          Bahnhof= Trainstation

Gleis= Train track

Danka shan= Thank you lots                      Bitter= Please/your welcome

Germknoodle (g like girl)= a Swiss danish like a dumpling with plum in the middle and vanilla sauce on top (DELICIOUS!!!)

Gluewine (w like v)= a warm spiced wine popular around Christmas (also DELICIOUS!!!)

Beanenstich- a delicious bakery treat with a flaky crust surrounding a vanilla-pudding like center

Kews Mihk= Kiss me                                             Ich Liebe Dihk= I love you

Bratwurst= DUH-Brat                                         Autoban= Highway

Eins=1      Fine=2      Dri=3  (maybe I’ll know 1-10 later)

Aktion= SALE!                                                       Enfarht= Exit

Ankfarht= Enter

Beir= you guessed it….Beer                 

Dugelwiesen= Dark beer                                       

Radler= Beer mixed with lemonade (think Bud Light lime but better)

Krystalwiesen= Sprite mixed with beer (the lighter alternative)

Colawiesen= Cola mixed with beer (think Bottle Cap candy, root beer flavor)


One Response to “Words I Know”

  1. delavie Says:

    Requiere receipe of beanenstich. Please show me the way.


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