Brooklyn’s German now

Just another weblog

Things that are different January 3, 2009

*In smaller towns, German stores close at 12 or 2pm on Saturday and in most German cities, no stores are open on Sundays.

*It is illegal to leave your car idling (AKA it’s REALLY cold and we can’t start our car in the morning to warm it up)

*People can take their pets into stores and on trains, buses, etc

*You can smoke or drink anywere.  The only place you can’t smoke is in the train station and on trains.

*Phone numbers are 11 digits long and start with 0…wierd huh?

*Smaller cars and smart cars- today we saw the first pickup truck of our trip!

*Germans refrigerators are small because Germans go to the story every 2-3 days to buy fresh fruits, veggies, and breads from the bakery.  Some Germans (like Wolfgang) go to the bakery daily to get fresh bread!

*Germans have an average of 6 weeks of vacation!  And, they only work an average of 37.5 hours a week (with NO overtime)

*Most Germans wait a few a years after high school before going to college.  College is free, by the way!

*Ketchup is for tourists….True Germans ONLY use mustard!

*The bakery is a separate store from the grocery store….you make purchases separately in the store then go to the bakery (which is usually inside the store right by the doors).

*German houses don’t come with ligth fixtures or kitchens- They take everything when they move (“Everything including the kitchen sink”)

*There are no stop signs or street lights- drivers on the right always have the right-of-way except on “priority roads” (like our highways)

*Milk- German milk is not refrigerated and can be stored for months before you use it (we haven’t tried it yet, I”ll let you know how it tastes)

*Eggs- When you buy eggs, they come unwashed to help keep them fresh and the inside of the carton tells you what country/region the eggs come from and how environmentally friendly the farm they came from is.

*EVERYONE recycles EVERYTHING!  The stores don’t offer plastic bags, so you have to remember to bring your own or you have to carry everything you buy to your car by hand.  When you go to the store, you bring in plastic and glass bottles and get a receipt for credit on your purchase.

*German heaters shut off from 9am-3pm and again from 11pm to 5or6am to save energy!

*The toliets flush by a button on the wall above the toliet.  (Check out the picture)

*Everything is based on miliarty time and the metric system.


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