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Videos! April 24, 2009

That’s right folks…as if the running commentary and pictures aren’t enough, there are now videos to enjoy (thank you YouTube!)  So, click on one of the links below and it will take you to videos of our travels that I have posted on  The videos are in order of the places we visited.  If you have trouble with any of them, please let me know!  ENJOY!!!!!

(PS….no criticizing the videographer….I do my best!)  🙂

Clocks- The Munich Glockenspeil (1.31.09) and the Prague Astronomical Clock (1.17.09)  Both works of art, but considering they were built when modern technology was around…a little disappointing for all the hype.  But, you be your own judge: (Yes I know you have to turn your head to watch these…sorry I’m not that good with technology yet…maybe by the end of the trip) – The Astronomical Clock of Prague gives viewers a slow parade of the apostles as the bells toll. – The Glockenspeil- You can hear our tour guides in the background making fun of the clock. – The Glockenspeil- Round 2 (in case you didn’t get enough the first time around! 

Dachau Concentration Camp (3/7/09): Our visit to the camp was very educational and slightly disturbing to me.  These videos were shot with the hopes that you would know the feeling in the pit of your stomach that I got when we were walking through the Camp listening to the stories of prisoners. – The walk prisoner took from the train platform into the camp.  The gate says “Work will set you free” – The inside of the main building.  Now it is a museum, but they kept some of the walls the way they were during the war. – The 1st room that prisoners were taken to; where they were stripped of all their belongings and given their prisoner identification number.  The cases in the middle of the room hold actual prisoner belongings- like bank account information, pictures, diaries, everything….frightening to see. – After all their belongings were taken, prisoners were given haircuts with rusty scissors, then given a shower with bleach to kill all the germs on them.  This was also where some prisoners were hung from rafters or beaten with whips as punishment.


Furth Futbol (3/21/09): Rowdy fans cheering the team on!  What a great day!!  Hope you all feel like you are part of the timeless tradition of drinking, chanting, and cussing out the other team!! – The main cheer leader –  The 1860 Munich fans; I only taped them so you could see the choreography that goes into these cheers (everyone know them!!!) – One of the chants with lots of flags/scarves – OLE, OLE OLE!!!! cheer GGGGGOOOAAAALLLLLL Sarah and Nichole cheer after Furth scores!!!! A litte song after the Goal to calm the crowd (if that’s possible)

Spring Break in Rome- These videos were meant to help you enjoy the history and artwork the great Romans left to us and to help all you Catholics out there who will never get a chance to visit Vatican City…I tried my best to capture the moment so that you can all enjoy the VAST amount of artwork that Vatican City has on display! – The Pantheon in Rome: In this video, Sean and Nichole give us a little history lesson on their version of how it was built.  The ceiling is completely open, but rain water never touches the ground…the building is so well built that it disappates before that! – St. Peter’s Basilica is known for housing some of the most famous paintings and statues in the world, including Michaelangelo’s statue of Mary and Jesus.  Mary’s clothing is so thin it is transparent…not easy to do with marble! – St. Peter’s Basilica- the entryway, main alter, and intense gold ceiling….so impressive!!! – Vatican Museum: some tapestries and the ceiling…everything ceiling to floor is art! – Vatican Museum: the statue hallway and more outrageous ceiling and floors!  – Room of the Greek Cross; more art from Vatican City – Another room in the Vatican Museum…full of HUGE statues!!!—Js –  outdoor area in between 2 buildings (both part of the Vatican museum..its huge!) which had lots of statues and mosaics on the wall.  Nichole thought Ryan would like the landscaping! – Vatican Museum- The room with the LARGEST paintings I’ve ever seen in my life!!! (You’ll have to turn your head for this one..sorry) – The crucifixes, THE PAPAL RINGS!!, Gospels, basically everything used during mass by the popes of the last couple 1,000s of years!!! No biggie…

Flossenberg Concentration Camp (5/2/09)- ONe of the teachers, Judy Wrede and her husband Brian, invited us to visit a different, lesser known concentration camp this weekend.  Luckily for us, a survivor of the camp, Jack Terry, was visiting and speaking this weekend.  Jack was 13 years old when he entered the camp and was saved from a Death March by a “kopo” (soldier) who told him to hide in the boiler room one night.  The next day, Jack was moved to the Typhoid wing of the hospital to be saved, until the Americans liberated the camp on April 23rd.  He was given the keys to the concentration camp after the liberation and is now on a mission to make sure this history does not get covered up or forgotten.  Please, listen to his story, remember it, and share it with all so that history will not repeat itself! – The walk into Flossenberg Concentration Camp. – A description of how President Eisenhower made a point to send soldiers to concentration camps so they knew what they were fighting for and to prevent this from being covered up. – Jack describes Roll Call Square and how some have tried to cover up the harsh reality of the concentration camp system. – Jack describes how he spent Christmas in 1944 and how different it was just across the barbed wire fences. – The walk from Roll Call square past the barber rooms, where prisoners were shaved so their hair could be sold for money, and into the shower room. – Jack describes the shower room and how dehumanizing it was to be showered in front of laughing soldiers.


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